滤板接触物料平面及其孔洞均为PFA材质, 通过四氟模压工艺将加热后PFA粒料均匀包覆成型于钢还外表面,产品一次成型、无接缝,耐腐蚀性完全由PFA材质固有特性保证,同时采用足够的钢胚厚度保证其使用的刚度和使用寿命。产品成型后外表面平整、光滑不易粘料,保证了装配于设备后的密封可靠性和易清洁性。衬层厚度涌过国家标准高电压电火花试验检测,保证安全性、耐用度。
The surface of the fi lter plate contacting with the medium and its holes are made of PFA. The heated PFA particles areevenly coated and formed on the outer surface of the billet by the Teflon molding process. The product is formed at onetime without joints, and the corrosion resistance is fu lly gua ranteed by the inherent characteristics of PFA material. Atthe same time, sufficient billet th ickness is adopted to ensure its service stiffness and service life. After molding, theouter surface of the product is flat and smooth, and it is not easy to stick medium, which ensures the seal ing reliabilityand easy cleaning after assembly in the equipment. The thickness of the li ning layer is tested by the national standardhigh-voltage spark test to ensu 「e its safety and durability.
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